80's Sci-Fi Adventure Awaits!
Invasion of the Third Kind is a game focused on sci-fi horror tropes from the 1980s, as aliens have come to Plainville, IN in hopes of conquering the world. With your group of friends, work to discover their secret plot as they infiltrate all levels of the local government and seek to take control, or as they overrun and enslave your town. With six character types, six alien types, six plots, and the innovative Alien Influence and Plot Twist systems, this game can provide hours of over the top fun for any roleplayer--regardless of experience.

A Story of Backstabbing Fae Politics!
The (Un)Seelie is a game of backstabbing Fae politics in The Green Lands of Spring as The Summer (Seelie) Fae Court and The Winter (Unseelie) Fae Court engage in peace talks for the annual power exchange. It's up to you--as the Delegation for either court--to negotiation a peaceful exchange of power by whatever means necessary. Can you find a balance between your own agendas and the goals of your Delegation? Can you broker this peace or will you be sentenced to death? Whatever happens, the consequences fall to you but don't get caught breaking The Rites of Hospitality and Decorum or you risk it all!The (Un)Seelie uses a unique system that requires a full d20 set of dice to resolve actions. Players assign die types to their Stats and Skills and choose how they want to use each of their skills in combination with their Stats to achieve the intended result. Want to convince someone to do what you want without resorting to Provoking them to fear you? Why not use your Might and Sway to forcefully persuade them to do what you ask?

Dark Dealings From Devious Dealers
The (Un)Seelie: Devious Contracts is the first supplement for The (Un)Seelie and features the addition of four new Lineages, changes to the mechanics surrounding Status, the addition of the new Contracts mechanic, as well as the addition of The Shadows Between--a dark realm filled with shadowy predators that hunt even the Cat-sìth. So, if you want more power to expose your enemies and more chances to gain the upper-hand, look no further!